Huge Announcement

Happy Monday. Hope everyone had a wonderful weekend. Time for a new week. Ella goes back to school after being off for Spring Break, time to get back to some normalcy. These past few weeks have just been crazy busy running around, enjoying the weather, being sick. I kept wanting to go live on my Facebook about this but it just didn't happen.
Time for my huge announcement. (well huge for me) Two weeks ago I had to make a decision for myself and my family. I knew whatever I decided would affect my family, hopefully in the positive. I am officially a stay at home mom. I decided to leave my job as a hairdresser to stay home with my kids full time. I have been home now with them for two weeks and have loved every minute of it. (well most of it) We have spent a lot of time relaxing, playing outside, not having a schedule....
I left with no hard feelings for the company I was with. I am still staying in touch with my boss and coworkers. I am welcome to come back whenever I want (if a position is available.) I had many reasons for leaving. The big one being to be home with my kids. The added stress of finding a sitter and making our schedules match so one of us was available to pick up Ella from school was being a lot on both Brian and I. His real state business is doing very and is requiring more work then he was able to do with me working out of the house. Brian and I had been talking about me leaving my job for a while and it just never seemed like the right time. I may not be very religious but I got a sign and knew it was time to take a step back. I walked with Brian, my family, and a few girlfriend about their opinions and they all supported me. (Just wanted to make sure I wasn't completely losing my mind) One thing a friend told me was she could tell that I was no long happy with going to work. That is when it really hit home. We all just want to be happy right.
I say I am a stay at home mom, but I really am a work at home mom. I am still a health and fitness coach with Beachbody. I have always been the girl to help people feel better about themselves, (having a fresh haircut) and helping them along their health and fitness journey. I now have more time to help more people get results and run more groups. To start it off right I am running a FREE 5 day back to basics clean eating group. It starts May 1st. If you are interested in more info here is the link for the event on Facebook. (the group is held over on facebook) 

Plus I also have more time to blog. I am hoping to do some collaborations, grow my followers, and do more reviews. 
Have a Fabulous Monday!!!!!

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